Tag Archives: AMSEC

How Big a Safe Do You Need?

A safe is a good investment. A home owner can purchase one to protect his valuables or to keep his family safe. When someone decides to buy a new safe, he needs to know what size he needs. AMSEC safes can help someone store money, precious metal, arts or guns. The size of the safe he needs depends on what he plans to store in it and the quantity he has on hand.

AMSEC TL 30 safes give a hunter a secure place to store his guns, and they give added protection against someone stealing his rifle. They offer over twelve cubic feet of storage, and they can last for two hours in a fire. Their combination locks keep children out of the safe. They help prevent family tragedies. No hunter wants to let his family member become a statistic.

The size of the TL-30 is perfect for storing guns, but what if someone needs the larger storage space for something other than firearms? ISM makes a large selection of safes with adjustable shelves. ISM safes often have more cubic footage than gun safes do. The adjustable shelves on many of their models let the individual store art, precious metals and other valuables. Advanced locking mechanisms make the safe harder to crack. Owning anyone of the ISM safes is like owning a personal treasury, and they are almost unbreakable.


Bio: TL 30 safes offer great protection against burglary, and are available online at First Security Safe.